राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजनाNational Service Scheme |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1) | Dr. D. L. Falke | Program Officer |
2) | Dr. S.G. Nair | Assistant
Program Officer |
3) | Mr. D. G. Bhamre |
What is NSS?
- NSS is a noble experiment in academic expansion.
- It encapsulates the spirit of voluntary work among the students and the teachers to sustain community interaction.
- It brings academic institutions closer to the society.
- It shows how to combine knowledge and action to achieve the desirable results leading to community development.
Objectives of NSS
- To understand the community in which the volunteers work
- To understand themselves in relation to the community in which they live
- To identify the needs and problems of their community and involve themselves in the problem solving process
- To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibilities
- To utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems
- To develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities
- To gain skills in mobilizing the community participation
- To acquire the leadership qualities and democratic attitude
- To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural
- To practice national integration and social harmony
Motto of NSS
- The Essence of Democratic living
- Upholds the need for selfless service
- Appreciation of the other person’s point of view
- Also shows consideration for fellow human beings.
It underlines
“The welfare of the individual is ultimately the welfare of society.”
- Students undertake various programmes in the college, in the adopted villages and urban slums during the weekends or after college hours, such as : Cleanliness Drive in the College Campus
- Celebration of the Birth and Death Anniversaries of the Leaders and Social Workers of repute and to conduct various activities like Debating Competitions, Essay writing Competitions etc.
- Organizing various types of rallies in the city for the purposes like Tree Plantation, AIDS Awareness, Literacy Awareness, and Collecting Funds for Social causes.
- Providing the opportunities to the students to attend various District, University, State, National level camps.
- Developing leadership qualities among the students.
- Organizing Blood Donation camps, cultural activities, and social activities in the adopted villages.